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Dental FAQs

How can I make an appointment?

You can schedule an appointment with us by filling out our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01732 678404 for our Tonbridge Clinic or 01903 444120 for our Rustington Practice


How much does a consultation cost?

Most of our treatments include complimentary consultations. If you would like to become a patient of ours then there will be a small fee for us to examine your teeth. Find more information here.

Can I be seen as a NHS patient?

Here at Calm and Gentle Dental Care, we offer private dental care only. We do not hold an NHS contract and are unable to see/treat patients under the NHS.

I'm worried I will need lots of treatment and will not be able to afford it.

This is not uncommon – the reality is, that patients often need less treatment than they think. We always work with patients to ensure we go at your pace and prioritise your recommended treatment starting with anything urgent.

Do you have a waiting list?

No, we do not have a waiting list however, we are extremely busy and would encourage you to schedule your appointment as waiting times can be long simply due to the demand to see our dental professionals.

Do you offer dental plans?

We offer two plans, a routine plan that includes all your essential routine care and a care plan which includes almost everything…contact us for more information.

Ask us a Question

We are happy to answer any oral health related questions.